- Updated on: 2025-01-26
Terms and conditions of use of the tourist office services and the electronic page (web site)
1. General Terms
1.1. This User Agreement (hereinafter “Agreement”) applies to the website of Santorinika Travel Agency located at santorinika.com;
1.2. This Agreement regulates the relationship between the Administration of the website of the travel agency “Santorinika” (hereinafter – the Administration) and the User of this site and the travel agency;
1.3. The Administration reserves the right to change, add or delete paragraphs of this Agreement at any time without notice to the User. Changes come into effect after 48 hours from the moment of their publication;
1.4. Continued use of the Site and its services by the User means acceptance of the Agreement and amendments made to this Agreement.
1.5. The User is personally responsible for checking this Agreement for changes in it.
2. Booking and payment process
2.1. When ordering services through the reservation system and before making payment, the User must carefully read and fully accept the terms of participation as well as this User Agreement. If the User does not accept these terms and conditions, he/she cannot access the site and perform actions related to the services offered;
2.2. Payment for services can be made in cash and by bank transfer (online);
2.3. Payment for services can be made in full (100%) or in part (as agreed with the Administration);
2.4. The process of booking and payment of the service by the User is his agreement with all the conditions and a statement of desire to purchase this service. A package of information and a tourist voucher sent back by the Administration is a written confirmation of the availability of seats and the possibility of participation of the User in the specified service (excursion, tour, trip);
2.5. In the case of partial payment of the service, the final transfer of the package of information necessary for participation in the tour, is made after making an advance payment in a manner and at a time that is convenient to the User: via e-mail, messengers, personally in one of the offices or at the place of residence of the customer by one of the authorized managers;
2.6. A tour package whose reservation and payment were not made by the above methods is not a result of a sale;
2.7. All prices on the website include VAT 24% according to the Greek commercial law, unless otherwise stated;
2.8. Online payment can be made by credit, debit and prepaid Visa and Mastercard cards.
3. Terms of service
3.1. The administration reserves the right to refuse the service if the client’s behavior is assessed as aggressive, dangerous, disrespectful or causing physical or moral discomfort to other tour participants or employees of the Agency (alcohol intoxication, abusive behavior, unlawful demands, and so on);
3.2. The administration reserves the right to change the prices of the services provided. New prices are published on the electronic page and are effective immediately after their publication;
3.3. Administration is not financially responsible for changes in the program of trips due to the influence of third forces or force majeure (weather conditions, disasters, social unrest, strikes, terrorist attacks, etc.) and reserves the right to change the course of the trip if it is necessary for the comfort and safety of the group;
3.4. The Administration reserves the right to change the vehicles used for the trips at its discretion if it considers it necessary;
3.5. The Administration reserves the right to use the services of partners who provide equal or higher quality services.
4. Cancellation and refund policy
4.1. The administration reserves the right in case of force majeure (weather conditions, disasters, social unrest, strikes, terrorist attacks, etc.) to postpone the trip to another day or cancel the tour. In this case, the money previously paid for the excursion is refunded in full convenient for the company and the client way. If the User is not satisfied with the conditions of rescheduling the trip, the money paid for the excursion shall be returned in a way that is fully convenient for the company and the client;
4.2. In the case of non-execution of the excursion Administration refunds the full amount – only the amount spent on the purchase of the excursion. The company is not financially responsible for possible economic costs associated with the failure of the trip (hotel reservations, tickets, photo shoots and private trips made not through our agency);
4.3. If the User fails to show up at the time and place indicated on the voucher for boarding the tour, the amount spent on payment for the excursion is not refunded;
4.4. The user has the right to stop the purchase process at any stage before making the payment and return to the previous page by pressing the “Add more excursions”, “Cancel” or “Back” buttons;
4.5. The user has the right to cancel a one-day excursion at least 24 hours in advance. In this case the refund is 70% of the paid price;
4.6. The user has the right to reschedule a one-day excursion to another day at least 24 hours in advance;
4.7. The possibility of returning or rescheduling two-day excursions that include a hotel reservation is determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the hotel’s cancellation and rescheduling policy;
4.8. The user has the right to change the selected one-day excursion to another of equal or higher value no later than 24 hours before the start of the excursion with an additional payment on the Site or in cash (by agreement with the Administration or authorized managers).
5. Storage and use of personal information and transaction security
5.1. The site does not retain any data of the User, except that which is necessary for the quality performance of obligations;
5.2. All pages of the Site are encrypted by the encryption protocol TLS (SSL – Secure Sockets Layer);
5.3. All payments made using the card are processed through the electronic payment platform of “Nexi e-Commerce” of Nexi Payments Greece S.A. and uses TLS 1.2 encryption protocol encryption with 128-bit (Secure Sockets Layer – SSL). Encryption is a way of coding the information until it reaches its recipient, who will be able to decode it using the appropriate key.
6. Use of materials from this site
6.1. The Site and all content included on the Site is owned and operated by the Site Administration;
6.2. No content on the Site can be copied, reproduced, published, transmitted or distributed in any way, as well as posted on the global Internet without prior written permission of the Administration site;
6.3. The contents of the Site are protected by copyright and unfair competition laws of Greek and European law.
7. Resolution of disputes
7.1. Any questions or disputes arising between the User and the Administration shall be resolved on the basis of Greek civil law. The authorized body is the Regional Court of Heraklion.