- Updated on: 2024-12-26
The distance between Imerovigli and Fira is about four kilometres. On a normal day it takes 5 minutes by bus, but on busy roads and in heavy traffic it can take up to an 15-20 minutes to get from Fira to Imerovigli by bus.
Bus services in Santorini are operated by KTEL company.
Bus route from Fira to Imerovigli
Santorini’s bus routes are a sort of network, centred in the capital at the island’s main bus station.
As Imerovigli is very close to Fira (and it is generally easy to walk to the village unless you have a lot of luggage), this bus route is direct and very fast. You probably won’t even have time to look around during the journey as you have to get off a few minutes after departure.
The bus route between Fira and Imerovigli on the map of Santorini:
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Imerovigli bus stop on the map
The bus stop in Imerovigli is located on the main road almost in the center of the village. It is marked on the map above.
Bus timetable from Fira to Imerovigli in 2025
During the summer months, the bus from Fira to Imerovigli departs at 8:30 in the morning, and thereafter runs at 30-60 minute intervals. This is the most recent (January 2025) updated bus timetable provided by KTEL Santorini:
From | To | Time |
Fira | Imerovigli | 08:30 |
Fira | Imerovigli | 09:15 |
Fira | Imerovigli | 10:00 |
Fira | Imerovigli | 11:00 |
Fira | Imerovigli | 11:45 |
Fira | Imerovigli | 12:45 |
Fira | Imerovigli | 14:00 |
Fira | Imerovigli | 15:00 |
Fira | Imerovigli | 16:00 |
Fira | Imerovigli | 17:00 |
Fira | Imerovigli | 18:00 |
Fira | Imerovigli | 19:00 |
Fira | Imerovigli | 20:00 |
Fira | Imerovigli | 21:00 |
The bus ride from Fira to Imerovigli takes approximately 5 minutes. Please note that during the high season, when traffic jams are not uncommon on the roads of our island, the travelling time can increase considerably.
The last bus leaves at 22:00. There are no night buses on this route!
KTEL Santorini sometimes makes changes to the bus timetable – and in some cases several times during the week. Always check the bus schedule before you travel, or better yet, take the early buses that are more likely to get you to your destination on time
Santorinika Travel Agency, from personal experience of living on the island
Want to get there on time and in comfort? Check taxi fares for this route before you travel.
Bus timetable from Imerovigli to Fira in 2025
The return bus from Imerovigli goes to the main bus station in Fira, with the first departure at 8:40, then every half hour or hour thereafter. This is the latest update of the KTEL Santorini bus schedule (January 2025):
From | To | Time |
Imerovigli | Fira | 08:40 |
Imerovigli | Fira | 09:25 |
Imerovigli | Fira | 10:10 |
Imerovigli | Fira | 11:10 |
Imerovigli | Fira | 11:55 |
Imerovigli | Fira | 12:55 |
Imerovigli | Fira | 14:10 |
Imerovigli | Fira | 15:10 |
Imerovigli | Fira | 16:10 |
Imerovigli | Fira | 17:10 |
Imerovigli | Fira | 18:10 |
Imerovigli | Fira | 19:10 |
Imerovigli | Fira | 20:10 |
Imerovigli | Fira | 21:10 |
The bus ride from Imerovigli to Fira usually takes about 5 minutes as well.
There are no buses from Imerovigli to Fira at night: the bus service between the cities ends at 22:10 with the last bus.
Bus ticket prices and how to buy tickets from Fira to Imerovigli in 2025
The bus fare from Fira to Imerovigli in 2025 2 euros. The ticket can be purchased from the driver or conductor on the bus for cash.
There is no extra charge or any special luggage tickets are required. A bus ticket from Fira to Imerovigli for children up to and including six years old is not necessary – we have them free of charge and the bus ticket price for children from seven to twelve years inclusive is half the full bus ticket price for that route.
Santorini sightseeing by bus
If you prefer to travel by bus, don’t forget that we have several bus tours around the island. You can visit almost all the villages and even watch the sunset in Oia. Take a look at some of our tours:
Santorini sightseeing bus tour with wine tasting and sunset in Oia
The most detailed bus sightseeing tour: volcanic beaches, traditional villages, the peak of Mount Ilias the Prophet, wine tasting and sunset meeting Oia.
Schedule: everyday.
Bus trip
Group tour
Oia bus tour: meet the sunset in West Santorini
Evening bus trip: south coast, Red Beach, Akrotiri Lighthouse, highest peak of Santorini near the monastery of Prophet Ilias and Oia village at sunset time!
Schedule: everyday.
Bus trip
Group tour
Visit all the traditional villages of Santorini in one day
A trip to Santorini's most famous villages: Megalochori, Emporio, Firostefani, Imerovigli and Oia, where a sunset meeting is planned.
Schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday.
Bus trip
Group tour
Five important things about the bus timetable from Fira to Imerovigli
We want to share five basic facts you should know about bus routes between Fira and Imerovigli village and on our island in general:
- The central bus stop in Santorini is located in Fira, the heart of the island and its capital. It is the main bus station.
- All buses in Santorini take their routes from there and return there as well.
- You can get from almost any other part of the island and back on regular buses, but you almost always have to go through the central bus station and make a connection there.
- Bus timetables are different at weekends and also during the winter season (especially!). The gaps between buses can be an hour and a half or two hours instead of half an hour, and sometimes more. In general, the bus schedule on the island is quite… unstable and conditional. Sometimes it can change twice a week. Sad, but true.
- You can buy bus tickets in the bus for cash (euros). It is better to prepare in advance coins or small banknotes of 5 or 10 euros.
What can be useful for holidays in Imerovigli
Are you planning a holiday in Santorini? Or are you already on the island? We are happy to help you organise your vacation! Check out tips, services and offers: